GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH is in the process of training graduates from universities and institutes from various countries around the world and qualifying them with high efficiency for entry into the local or foreign labor market. GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH trains them according to international standards and regulations for the global job market.
Many college graduates still suffer after graduation from not being able to find a job that matches their skills and aspirations.
There are many students who have great ambitions after graduation but do not know where and how to start.
GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH has set itself the task of providing these two categories with the best and most optimal training for entry into the labor market and highly qualified, far from randomness and absurdity. Nowadays knowledge, experience and excellence have become an urgent necessity to acquire real work in view of the development in various fields.

professional qualification


The area of professional qualification aims to qualify graduates from institutes and universities for entry into the local or European job market, especially in Germany, and the foreign job market in all countries of the world via the website of the GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH.

* University graduates of all academic subjects.
* Holders of a professional diploma who have at least two years’ experience in the same job.
* University students in the last two years before graduation who want to enter the local or European labor market, especially Germany, and foreign labor markets.

First: language training: it is carried out by the training company in the language of the country where the applicant wants to work (if it is not the mother tongue). Language training is carried out according to the requirements of the country itself.
Like the German language, for example, between (B1-B2 and C2) (English requires a TOEFL or IELTS certificate) depending on the profession and specialization.
Second: Vocational training (training skills) The job applicant is selected according to his/her certificate or experience according to the trained in the labor laws and regulations of the country in which he intends to work.

* Creation of a professional profile for the intern, appropriate to the country in which he/she would like to work.
*  Acquiring and learning a new language that will benefit you at work and in everyday life in the country where you want to work.
* The intern (the jobseeker) will be able to easily enter the labor market after the training and qualifications he/she has received during this period.

In view of the rapid development, we find that there are differences between the levels of workers in different areas; this is where we find that some people are losing their jobs. Others are rejected at every interview for many reasons. Therefore, the GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH looked for solutions and rehabilitation programs

* Assistance to the intern in entering the labor market or in returning to work in the event of rejection.
* Enabling the trainee to enter the labor market of the country where he/she wishes to work, according to the norms and laws of that country.
* Acquiring real professional skills that enable the trainee to excel.

* University graduates
* University students in the final years before graduation.
* Professionals who are rejected in job interviews.
* Professionals who have been dismissed for reasons related to lack of ability and lack of distinctiveness.
* Employees in their companies or institutions or in state institutions, so that their practical
* performance and their professional level are increased, and they keep up with the latest developments in the professions in which they work.

It is not possible to determine the period of retraining, as it depends on many factors, including:
• Profession
• Experience
• The degree of weakness in functional skills.

The functions that the GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH offers in this program:
• Assessing the intern’s functional and professional skills according to the labor standards in the country where one wishes to work.
• Compilation of a table showing the trainee’s strengths and weaknesses.
• Increasing the trainee’s strengths
• Correction of weaknesses in accordance with the standards of the profession in which he works in the target labor market (e.g., Germany).
• Final exploratory work after the functional rehabilitation phase.
• Give the trainee confidence and true excellence at work.

First: language training: it is carried out by the training company in the language of the country where the applicant wants to work (if it is not his/her native language). Language training is carried out according to the requirements of the country itself. (Like the German language, e.g. between (B1-B2, C2) (the English language requires a TOEFL or IELTS certificate) depending on the profession and specialization.
Second: Vocational Training (Skills Training) The job applicant is trained according to his/her credentials or experience in accordance with the labor laws and regulations of the country where he/she wishes to work.

1- Creation of a professional profile for the intern that fits into the local or foreign labor market.
2- The intern (the jobseeker) can easily enter the labor market after the education and qualifications he/she has obtained during this period.
3- Acquiring and learning a new language that will benefit at work and in daily life in the country where one wants to work.