Insurance by GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH:

GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH tries to protect the life and property of the insured customers with the company. By contracts and agreements with insurance companies, any type of damage, depending on the type of insurance policy subscribed, will be with the insurance company for the duration of the subscription period accepted.
And from the moment a person receives a residence permit for work, study or any other purpose, he must join the health insurance system. Anyone residing in Germany, including all German nationals, are required to have health insurance. Health insurance usually covers the costs of doctor visits, hospital stays and medication. People who are going on a business or tourism visit, treatment or attending an event are also entitled to travel insurance that suits their needs,
the nature of their work and the length of time they spend in Germany or Europe.

According to the regulations of the EU system and most countries in the world, the traveler is obliged to take out a travel insurance policy that covers the duration of their stay abroad and the purpose of insurance in case of accidents during the travel period. The insurance covers the treatment costs up to an amount of 30,000 Euros.
The insurance period varies from one day to five years and from one year to 65 years of age.

GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH strives to offer its customers the best health insurance services, which include all health services through cooperation with the best insurance companies in Germany; while maintaining the best quality of service at a very competitive cost.

The costs in Germany vary according to the state of health, age, quality of services and the reason for the trip to Germany (study, visit, tourism, work, treatment…) and depending on the length of stay, etc. It is necessary to contact the customer service of GRC German-Resources -Company GmbH to discuss the details.

GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH is a well-established company in Germany with a good reputation through its dealings with many major insurance companies at home and abroad and abides by the terms of the agreements between it and its customers to provide comprehensive insurance services with the best standards and provide specifications.
It is considered a comprehensive insurance policy for the car and its owner, covering damage that may occur to the car and its occupants, as well as damage that may be caused to third parties. Comprehensive insurance therefore offers advantages that other insurance companies do not offer.
Scope of liability of fully comprehensive insurance:
Any form of damage to the vehicle or the people in it as a result of an accident or damage such as fire, theft or vandalism.
Damage to third parties (persons or their vehicles) caused by the insured vehicle is also covered.
All according to the insurance policy agreed with the customer

GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH is a well-established company in Germany with a good reputation through its dealings with many major insurance companies at home and abroad and abides by the terms of the agreements between it and its customers to provide comprehensive insurance services with the best standards and provide specifications.
Types of life insurance:
Insurance against life risks (injuries, disability…).
Insurance against risk of death.
Life and death risk insurance.
The insurance policy is the legal framework and regulates the relationships and mutual rights between the parties, i.e., between the insured (insurer) and GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH, resulting from the obligation of the insured to bear certain risks during the agreed period.
Features of life insurance:
The documents covering the risks of people are characterized by several features that distinguish them from other documents, the most important of which are
summarized below:
Life Insurance Documents:
All insurance policies at GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH are certain documents of value, accordingly, the life insurance policy is not subject to the principle
of indemnity, and therefore the insurer or group of insured pays the insured sum “or sums” to the beneficiary specified in the contract upon demonstrating the examination of the insured risk.
Documents for long-term life insurance:
The life insurance documents can be extended for a long time until they cover people’s lives.
The life insurance period is indefinite. The GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH undertakes to do so with the insured person(s).
Life insurance documents contain a savings component:
The insured pays the insurance costs to GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH in equal regular installments and these payments will increase year by year
because of an increased risk (i.e. the annual premium increases each year compared to the previous year because the risk possibility of the insured increases).
Posting of insurance documents at GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH:
Due to the long insurance period in most life insurance policies, there is no obligation to continue the insurance, i.e. to stop ongoing payments, which does not lead
to the insurance becoming null and void as is the case with most general insurance policies. Rather, it represents a savings element in the event of the current
payment being suspended. The customer has the right to liquidate the document and receive a liquidation value.

GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH is a well-established company in Germany with a good reputation through its dealings with many major insurance companies at home and abroad and abides by the terms of the agreements between it and its customers to provide comprehensive insurance services with the best standards and provide specifications.
GRC German Resources Company has specially developed this private accident insurance to provide you, your family, your wife and children with the best possible insurance against sudden and unexpected accidents Long-term passenger accident insurance:
This type of long-term insurance is coverage that can be a separate and distinct policy, and often includes additional coverages to the original policies.
According to this document, GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH is obliged to pay certain amounts if the insured suffers physical injuries directly as a result of an accident, resulting in the death or disability of the insured and his purposes, and includes the following benefits and Compensations:
Accidental death supplement where the sum insured is doubled in the event of accidental death and is always a supplement to the original policy.
Payment of the sum insured in the event of death or permanent disability if the death or disability occurred immediately after the accident or within a certain period after the accident.
Payment of a percentage of the sum insured in the event of partial permanent disability during the period in which the accident occurred to the insured in the event of total temporary disability
prevents him from carrying out his normal work, daily or weekly compensation is paid.

GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH is a well-established company in Germany with a good reputation through its dealings with many major insurance companies at home and abroad and abides by the terms of the agreements between it and its customers to provide comprehensive insurance services with the best standards and provide specifications.
This type of insurance covers damage and loss that the insured may suffer as a result of a fire breaking out and burning his insured property or part of it.
Types of insurance against fire and theft:
The fire insurance contract usually only covers the risks of fire and lightning, but there are other additional risks that can be added to the fire insurance contract. These risks are called associated risks or additional insurances, including:
Insurance against riots and workers’ unrest.
Insurance of intentional harmful action or the so-called intentional damage.
Insurance against water leaks, explosion of water pipes and overflowing of tanks.
Insurance from floods, hurricanes, storms and tornadoes.
Theft insurance.
Loss of profit insurance.
An additional payment will be charged if additional coverage from the above items is included in the insurance policy. Coverage may be extended to include loss of income and fixed wages for operating the facility due to business interruption as a result of any of the insured contingencies.

Liability insurance is a voluntary insurance, but it is one of the most important voluntary insurances. This insurance covers costs when one person is injured or someone else’s property is damaged. In addition, private liability insurance can offer legal protection if someone claims damage that the insured person did not cause.
Pets and children are also included in the liability insurance. For example, if a child damages an item of another child, our insurance company can pay for it. For animals such as: large dogs and horses, there is a separate insurance type “animal owner liability”. (You can find out more about this under animal care).
You can decide how high the insurance amount should be.

Liability insurance is a voluntary insurance, but it is one of the most important voluntary insurances. This insurance covers costs when one person is injured or someone else’s property is damaged. In addition, private liability insurance can offer legal protection if someone claims damage that the insured person did not cause.
Pets and children are also included in the liability insurance. For example, if a child damages an item of another child, our insurance company can pay for it. For animals such as: large dogs and horses, there is a separate insurance type “animal owner liability”. (You can find out more about this under animal care).
You can decide how high the insurance amount should be.
Household contents insurance – supplementary insurance with GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH:
Home contents insurance covers the cost of any loss or damage that may occur in the home. If something is stolen or destroyed in a fire, household contents insurance will cover the damage. It covers almost everything that could be in the house or garage. For example electrical appliances, work equipment, clothing and furniture. Contents insurance also covers damage when you are on vacation or, for example, if your luggage is stolen while traveling (depending on the type of
contract with the insurance company and the agreed sum insured).
In the event of damage, the insurance company must be reported immediately, and criminal offenses must be reported to the police. A list of all affected items must be submitted to the insurance company. It is important not to repair or remove the damage before the insurance company pays the price. If the cause of the damage was personal negligence, e.g. if you left the door of the house open and someone entered the house and stole it, you are responsible for it and accordingly you will not get any money from the insurance company.

If you own a car or motorcycle, you must apply for accident insurance, and accident insurance (motor vehicle liability insurance) Insurance is mandatory. It covers damage you cause to your car or motorcycle. In the event of an accident, the costs can be very high.
If you want to protect your car or motorcycle from damage, you can take out partial or fully comprehensive insurance.
Comprehensive insurance is not mandatory. The partially comprehensive insurance covers, for example, damage caused by fire or theft. The fully comprehensive insurance also covers damage that you are responsible for or caused intentionally. This type of insurance is expensive and not always worthwhile. In any case, as a car owner, you do not need separate passenger accident insurance, since such accidents are usually covered by liability insurance.