Recruitment in Germany

German-Resources-Company GmbH plays an important role in the process of development and advancement of the human labor market, thus offering a higher and better level for workers seeking employment in the Federal Republic of Germany and with the support of the GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH and their advertised positions can enter the German job market.
Since employment abroad in the pre-globalisation period, the economic openness and the astonishing development in the world of work have a good reputation, the GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH is one of the most effective means of obtaining a travel as well as an employment opportunity for skilled workers in Germany. With it, one can associate wealth as well as a prestigious and an economical position together with a wide range of opportunities.

  • Scientific qualifications in various subject areas.

Requirements for professionals
Skilled workers must meet the following requirements and conditions:
First: Evaluation of qualifications.
Second: Obtaining a non-binding job offer.
Third: A professional practice permit.
Fourth: A passport and an identity card.
Fifth: Professional qualifications acquired in Germany do not require an evaluation. An evaluation is also not a requirement to many EU-acquired professional qualifications.

  • An application is considered complete when the application and all required documentation has been submitted online via the company’s website that offers work and study opportunities in Europe, especially in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Recruitment outside of Germany:

German Resources Company GmbH plays an important role in the process of development and advancement of the human labor market, thus offering a higher and better level for workers who are looking for an excellent employment worldwide.
Since employment abroad in the pre-globalisation period, the economic openness and the astonishing development in the world of work have a good reputation, the GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH is one of the most effective means of obtaining a travel as well as an employment opportunity for skilled workers worldwide. With it, one can associate wealth as well as a prestigious and an economical position together with a wide range of opportunities.

– EU countries
– Arab Gulf States
– Other countries worldwide

  • Erworbene wissenschaftliche Qualifikationen in verschiedenen Fachgebieten

First: Evaluation of qualifications.
Second: Obtaining a non-binding job offer.
Third: A professional practice permit.
Fourth: A passport and an identity card.
Fifth: Married applicants must attach supporting documents of the marriage contract and birth certificates of any children when completing the form. Each document is to be certified by the relevant governmental authority in the applicant’s country and translated into the language of the destination of the country being applied to.

Qualified candidates can apply online through GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH as follows:
An application is considered complete when the application and all required documentation has been submitted online via the company’s website that offers work and study opportunities worldwide.

Important information and questions:

Dear applicants,
We kindly ask you to provide the following:
1. Personal Photo 4cm x 6cm
2. Curriculum Vitae according to the European system: to be filled in electronically on the website of the first contracting party
3. A passport copy
4. A letter of motivation for the desired position in the Wordoffice program
5. High School graduation certificate including the grades obtained
6. University degree/certificate
7. List of individual grades (transcript of records)
8. Certificate of the number of practical and theoretical hours at the university/faculty
9. All diplomas and job titles and all detailed practical skills
10. Work Permit/Professional Practice Certificate
11. Proof of internship (if applicable)
12. Birth Certificate
13. Proof of German language skills (if applicable)
14. Medical certificate “freedom from diseases”
15. Certificate of good conduct
16. Certificates of previous work experience
17. Power of attorney signed by you to the GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH
18. A receipt copy of the course registration at the official representative of the GRC German-Resources-Company GmbH (if the fees were collected directly from you)
Important instructions:
– All original documents must be submitted and translated into German after a conditional offer or confirmation of employment in Germany is received.
– Incomplete applications will not be considered.
– After receiving the required documents, we will contact you from our office. Please keep in mind that due to the amount of documentation, the processing time may be lengthy.
If accepted, you will be required to start learning the German language and to start
familiarizing yourself with the required procedure at the German Embassy.We wish you success!

Yes, it is necessary to obtain a travel visa after receiving an employment opportunity.
This depends on your nationality.

Specialized professionals have:
• Professional qualifications lasting at least two years.
• Academic degrees in various fields.

Skilled workers must meet the following requirements and conditions:
• Evaluation of the specialist qualification
• Obtaining a non-binding job offer
• Professional license
• A passport and an identity card
• Holders of qualifications acquired in Germany do not need to have their qualifications evaluated. Furthermore, many EU qualifications are recognized in Germany.

The opportunities are:
• Receive a specific job offer for a period of at least “12” twelve months.
• The suitability of the qualification for the desired position.
• The total annual salary must not be less than (55,200.00 euros).

Can holders of foreign vocational training certificates receive a residence permit?
Yes, you have the right to continued employment in your specialized area, provided that the Federal Employment Agency decides on the suitability of your foreign qualification for the job to be carried out.

You can apply for/get the EU Blue Card if you earn a total of (45,540.00) Euros per year from work. However, if the annual earnings are lower, they must also prove that they have statutory pension insurance in their country of origin.

You can work in this area without proof of qualification, e.g. as a skilled worker, under the following conditions:
• Acquired a degree in the last seven years that is comparable to a vocational, training or university degree with three years of professional practice.
• Total annual salary of at least (49,680.00) euros.
• Knowledge of German at an intermediate level (B1 / B2), whereby the language requirement can be waived if the suitability of the job for the employee who is fluent in English can be proven.

Yes, this is permitted in the areas regulated by the Foreigners Employment Act, such as managing directors, drivers, cooks, artists, athletes, etc.

This is done by sending the application and the required documents via the website of our company, which offers work and study opportunities in Europe, particularly in the Federal Republic of Germany.